Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Eat to Live, or is it Live to Eat ?

Life seems to just revolve around food! You get up you eat, you watch the clock through out the day until its lunchtime so you can EAAAAT and you come home you eat... you go out to see friends you eat, you have a meeting, theres snacks... food is everywhere! & Eating healthy is hard! Especially when there are so many yummy foods out there and it always seems these yummy foods are a lot cheaper then the healthier options >:( Eating is what I struggle with most! But the thing is there are so many new healthy options out their now that may take a little longer to prepare but wont give you that guilty feeling after your have gulped it all back! 

I used to HATE breakfast - mainly because I don't enjoy breakfast foods but smoothies are now my favorite breakfast or snack because they are easy, fast and of course delicious! Like I mentioned in a previous blog my go to smoothie is this...

  • 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 banana
  • handful of baby spinach
  • a sprinkle of cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup of oats
  • AND any other fruit you wish to add - this photo I added a kiwifruit and a few pieces of fresh pinnapple! Grapes are also good to add!
Although the finish product turns out a lovely shade of green it still tastes so good and so refreshing after a work out or to get you going for the day!

Sometimes I change up the recipe and replace the spinach for 1 cup of frozen mixed berries :) YUM!

When I'm trying to loose weight I take on the Ultra diet I only do this for 2 weeks at a time and then go onto my maintaining healthy lifestyle - so I don't put the weight back on! 

This includes cutting out sugar (like my yummy smoothie) and even the natural sugars that are in fruits. Eating mainly eggs, veges and meat is how I look at it! I've found the weight drops off pretty fast and it keeps you motivated to keep going!

The ultra diet is really simple and safe to use! Pretty much your body has two sources of energy which comes from the food you eat and that fat that you have stored all over your body! Therefore when you reduce your carbohydrate intakes such as sugars and starches your body will naturally start to break down the fat that you have stored and use this for energy! 

The ultra diet comes with a protein and fibre that you take 4 times daily and helps for you to maintain your muscle while only burning fat!

Using this protein you need to make sure you have three good meals a day! I usually start with bacon, eggs, mushrooms and tomato for breakfast... (in the photo below i didn't have any bacon so I swapped it for an avocado !)

Lunch I usually have a salad (lettuce, red onion or spring onion, cucumber, cherry tomatoes) with a type of meat (Usually chicken because I love it!)

Then dinner usually is the same as lunch but I try to change it up! Sometimes I have made fritters using the protein powder, an egg, a grated courgette, onion, bacon, and cheese - on top of a salad!

Other times I have made stuffed chicken breast with cheese and spinach, wrapped in bacon - Also with a salad (I just prefer a salad to cooked veges but theses are obv good aswel!)

There are lots of yummy options and "dieting" doesn't have to be difficult like everyone expects it to be! As long as you are willing to put in that little bit extra time to prepare a meal for a healthy body then I'm sure you will find it simple! With the ultra diet 30 mins exercise a day is required, although just a 30 min walk is sufficient enough. I enjoy group fitness exercise such as Fight-Do or Power because they are fun and keep you motivated! (Plus they only take about an hour and the gym doesn't have to take over your life!)

But if you don't like the gym or cannot afford a gym membership that shouldn't stop you getting outside and going for a quick brisk walk or bike ride! Maybe choose to walk to uni or work if possible or take the stairs instead of the lift - every little bit helps :)

I still treat myself ALOT more then I should but I also know when to stop. Having one treat day a week wont hurt and to be honest I need it to get through the week and have something to look forward to! Plus I'm not trying to gain a "skinny" body or look, all I want is to have a healthy body by loosing the fat and weight that will be straining my organs such as my heart and therefore feel better for it :)

I hope this blog has provided you with some useful knowledge :) if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I'll try my best to answer!

Talk soon, Larissa xx